I am pleased to present to Member States of the African Union, all Africans, including those in the Diaspora and the international community, the Agenda 2063 Framework Document. This document, the fruit of a comprehensive consultative process spanning 24 months, charts Africa’s long-term strategy for realizing the aspirations of the continent’s citizens over the next 50 years.
As you are aware, in May 2003, Africa celebrated the Golden Jubilee of the founding of the Organization of African Unity (OAU). On that occasion, Africa’s political leadership took stock of past achievements and challenges, and rededicated itself to the continent’s socioeconomic and political transformation through a forward-looking 50-year continental framework. Agenda 2063 is founded on the AU vision of “ an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the international arena”.
The Agenda 2063 Framework document and its Popular Version were adopted by the 24th Session of the AU Assembly of Heads of State and Government, in Addis Ababa, January 2015, following extensive consultations involving all formations of African society – including the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and other continental bodies, as well as the Diaspora. It is therefore an Agenda to which every African woman, man, girl and boy have contributed directly or indirectly, and therefore has a stake in its implementation.
In Africa today, a new momentum for structural transformation is gathering steam. After years of conflict, turmoil and economic stagnation, Africa’s fortunes have turned for the better. The continent is once again on a positive path of growth and political and socioeconomic transformation, despite the strong headwinds caused by the global economic downturn.
Many of Africa’s population and her Member States are benefitting from the process of renewed growth, social progress and increased peace and reductions in conflict. Notable progress is being made in many areas; millions of Africans have escaped absolute poverty and there are improvements in all spheres of human development – health, education, gender, youth and access to services and basic necessities of life. This is as evidenced by progress made in implementing the Millennium Development Goals. Democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law are now more firmly entrenched than a few decades ago.
At continental and regional levels, Africa continues to make significant strides in building the institutions required for political and economic integration. A plethora of protocols, frameworks and plans are leading to increased harmonization of policies and actions, and advances in key areas such as infrastructure, trade, agriculture and other fields, are laying a solid foundation for future progress.
Many challenges however, still remain. There are still far too many people living in abject poverty, the lack of decent jobs is pervasive, especially for the youth, and the continent lags behind other regions of the world with respect to social development indicators. The progress made is also threatened by rising inequalities of incomes and opportunity, particularly for the youth and women.
While conflicts have abated, there are still many examples of intractable conflicts and new eruptions of violence. Furthermore, Africa remains marginalized in global governance system, and lacks full control over her resources and destiny.
In spite of the recent positive growth, African economies have not been sufficiently transformed and continue to be commodity-based, with weak value addition, poor manufacturing and industrialization – in short, limited transformation of the structure of our economies. Most of the benefits of recent growth have not been widely shared, as the main drivers of this growth (e.g. extractive industries) have not been job creators.
Although modest progress is being made, Africa has still not reaped the benefits that accrue from trading with itself, or with the rest of the world, resulting in a share of global trade that is not commensurate with its population or resource endowments. One of the biggest challenges remains the inability of the continent to finance its own development, while at the same time it is hemorrhaging heavily from illicit flow of resources.
Africa’s recent economic performance, as well as examples of positive advances in other regions has raised the expectations of African people for a better life for themselves, their communities, nations and the continent.
It is evident that a business as usual scenario will not be adequate to satisfy these expectations and aspirations of Africans on the continent and the Diaspora. Nor will such a path enable the continent to catch up with the rest of the world, and enable Africa to reclaim its rightful place in the global economic, political and social order. More is needed and with a greater sense of urgency.
To build upon the current positive trends and address old and new challenges, Africa needs a clear long-term vision of where it wants to be in the next 50 years and a plan as to how to get there. Through Agenda 2063, Africa now has that vision and plan.
As a Union of 54 countries, Africa has the biggest landmass and is the second largest in terms of population. As can be expected, the continent is strikingly diverse – in terms of geography, language, culture, history, political developments, resource endowments, and other factors. However, the continent which is the cradle of human civilization, is also shaped by a sense of shared destiny, with similar languages, cultural values and heritage, as well as a shared history of struggle against colonialism and liberation from external dominance and unity as expressed by the Founders. This is what led to the setting up of the OAU in 1963 and its transformation into the African Union in 1999.
Agenda 2063 should therefore be seen in the context of the “long walk” of Africa’s struggles against colonialism and foreign domination, and Africa’s pursuit of self-determination, freedom, justice, peace and prosperity. Agenda 2063 is founded first and foremost on the Constitutive Act of the Union, and the Africa Union vision of a prosperous, united and integrated continent, at peace with itself and driven by its citizens and occupying its rightful place in global affairs.
The Agenda is a collective guide for action, based on the principle of solidarity and an appreciation of what binds Africans together. It serves as a guide for actions at continental and regional levels, but most importantly also it should inform actions at national level. A central tenet of Agenda 2063 is the imperative of building upon best practices and what has worked in Africa so as to forge a new paradigm on African development based on home grown solutions.
A 50 – year planning horizon is ambitious and no model is rigorous enough to predict that far in the future due to the breathtaking and complex changes (political, social, cultural, economic and technological) the world and Africa is experiencing. However, as was succinctly put during the 2014 Bahir Dar Ministerial Retreat on Agenda 2063, “planning 50 years ahead, allows us to dream, think creatively, and sometimes crazy…to see us leapfrog beyond the immediate challenges.”
Agenda 2063 is a flexible instrument and a living document to be adjusted according to exigencies of the time; thus the decision to develop 10-year implementation plans, laying out in an incremental manner, concrete steps and milestones to be achieved in the journey towards 2063, and the African Union vision. Through its elaborate results and monitoring and evaluation framework, it strengthens accountability for results through clarifying roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders at all levels.
The Agenda is a call to action. Policy makers at all levels, business, religious, community, women and youth leaders, ordinary citizens must therefore act with determination and muster the needed resolve, exercise greater unity of purpose to confront the challenges facing Africa, including the likely headwinds in an uncertain global environment, in order to realize this vision for a better future. Individually and collectively, African countries and people must pursue the right policies with consistency over the long- term if the rising expectations of ordinary African are to be realized.
The year 2015 is pivotal in many respects: the world celebrates 70 years since the formation of the UN; the UN General Assembly adopted the post-2015 Development agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals; COP 21 of the Climate Change Conference is taking place in Paris; and we are celebrating 20 years since the historic Beijing Women’s Conference. Africa has been and remains very active in all these processes, especially through its continental framework, now Agenda 2063 and the Common African Position on the post-2015 agenda and sustainable development goals. We therefore look forward to our continued collaboration with the UN System as we move towards the implementation of Agenda 2063, and the Sustainable Development Goals.
I take this opportunity to reiterate the call of the Assembly of the AU or Member States to take urgent measures to domesticate Agenda 2063 at national and regional levels. I also call upon the international community to align their assistance and development cooperation agreements with Agenda 2063.
Finally, let me take this opportunity to thank all those who have contributed to the preparation of the Agenda. I recognize the key role played by regional institutions such as the African Development Bank (AfDB), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the private sector as well as other non-state actors including women and youth in the preparation of Agenda 2063. Our collective efforts must be sustained during implementation and thus lead to a better future for Africa.
Our journey towards 2063 has started; the best is yet to come.
HE Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma
Chairperson The African Union Commission